A tribute to the resistance.
This video was my groups history day project for 2008. It came in first at the state level, and we went to the University of Maryland for the national competition. We didn't win anything. Enjoy!
La Marseillaise is the French National Anthem. This video includes the song and subtitles in English and French.
La Marseillaise est l'Hymne National Français. Les sous-titres sont en Français/Anglais et contiennent la traduction des paroles.
This is a long version of the Anthem.
Ceci est une version longue de l'Hymne.
Thanks for all your comments =)
La Marseillaise est l'Hymne National Français. Les sous-titres sont en Français/Anglais et contiennent la traduction des paroles.
This is a long version of the Anthem.
Ceci est une version longue de l'Hymne.
Thanks for all your comments =)
Resistance,partisans ffi 1944 Charles de Gaulle réfractaire , call of duty 5,medal of honor ,airbornes ,
.diaporama sur la libération de Paris
Paris outragé ! Paris brisé ! Paris martyrisé ! Mais Paris libéré !
Il y a 60 ans : la Libération de Paris...En 1944, la Libération de Paris qui s'inscrivit dans le prolongement direct du Débarquement de Normandie fut un événement de première importance dans le monde entier en raison de son aspect hautement symbolique.
Paris était ainsi la première capitale à s'être libérée elle-même après l'insurrection des Parisiens, avec le concours des FFI de Rol-Tanguy et des hommes de la 2ème DB qui symbolisait toute la France Libre. Fidèle à sa longue histoire, Paris redevenait aux yeux du monde, le Paris de la rue, celui du pavé de la Révolution qui avait vu la Prise de la Bastille et le déclin des despotes.
Pour les alliés, la libération de la capitale française n'était pas un objectif prioritaire bien au contraire. Américains et Anglais n'avaient qu'une hâte : poursuivre sans tarder leur marche vers l'Allemagne (pour entrer à Berlin avant les Soviétiques) et précipiter aussi la fin de la guerre.
Von Choltitz désobéira aux ordres martelés de Berlin persuadé que le führer est devenu fou, Leclerc, lui aussi, désobéira à d'autres ordres avant d'entendre de Bradley : "OK, Leclerc, foncez sur Paris..."
Von Choltitz désobéira aux ordres martelés de Berlin persuadé que le führer est devenu fou, Leclerc, lui aussi, désobéira à d'autres ordres avant d'entendre de Bradley : "OK, Leclerc, foncez sur Paris..."
La nouvelle de l'arrivée des troupes de Leclerc dans Paris se répand comme une traînée de poudre. Les cloches de églises de Paris se mettent à sonner, le bourdon de Notre Dame est entré dans la danse le premier.
reportage tourner part des amateurs lors de la libération de paris
The French Resistance is the collective name used for the French resistance movements which fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and the collaborationist Vichy Regime during World War II. Resistance groups comprised small groups of armed men and women (referred to as the maquis when based in rural areas),[2][3] publishers of underground newspapers, and escape networks that helped Allied soldiers. The Resistance was pulled from all layers and groups of French society, from conservative Roman Catholics (including priests), to liberals, anarchists and communists.
Seconde Guerre Mondiale - Les Grandes Batailles - 8 Mai 1945 - La Capitulation résistance ffi - Histoire seconde guerre mondiale 2nde bataille de l Atlantique sous marin marine U Boot Allemagne France Angleterre Porte avions Etats Unis marinier Dönitz IIIe Reich torpiller Navy Lorient histoires mariniers torpilles
The French Resistance is the collective name used for the French resistance movements which fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and the collaborationist Vichy Regime during World War II. Resistance groups comprised small groups of armed men and women (referred to as the maquis when based in rural areas),[2][3] publishers of underground newspapers, and escape networks that helped Allied soldiers. The Resistance was pulled from all layers and groups of French society, from conservative Roman Catholics (including priests), to liberals, anarchists and communists.
The French Resistance is the collective name used for the French resistance movements which fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and the collaborationist Vichy Regime during World War II. Resistance groups comprised small groups of armed men and women (referred to as the maquis when based in rural areas),[2][3] publishers of underground newspapers, and escape networks that helped Allied soldiers. The Resistance was pulled from all layers and groups of French society, from conservative Roman Catholics (including priests), to liberals, anarchists and communists.
résistance ffi maquisard document réel réveil de la France
1er apparition des ffi au grand jours,,,
The French Resistance is the collective name used for the French resistance movements which fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and the collaborationist Vichy Regime during World War II. Resistance groups comprised small groups of armed men and women (referred to as the maquis when based in rural areas),[2][3] publishers of underground newspapers, and escape networks that helped Allied soldiers. The Resistance was pulled from all layers and groups of French society, from conservative Roman Catholics (including priests), to liberals, anarchists and communists.
1er apparition des ffi au grand jours,,,
The French Resistance is the collective name used for the French resistance movements which fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and the collaborationist Vichy Regime during World War II. Resistance groups comprised small groups of armed men and women (referred to as the maquis when based in rural areas),[2][3] publishers of underground newspapers, and escape networks that helped Allied soldiers. The Resistance was pulled from all layers and groups of French society, from conservative Roman Catholics (including priests), to liberals, anarchists and communists.
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