Discurso de Lula da Silva (excerto)


quinta-feira, 1 de julho de 2010

About the Einsatzgruppen


NazisSkinheads | 26 de Novembro de 2008
johnphilippe007 | 22 de Abril de 2009
The Einsatzgruppen were notorious mobile killing units that went in behind the German army as it advanced eastwards through Eastern Europe en route to the Soviet territories and whose principal task was the extermination of the Jews, Gypsies, Polish intelligentsia, Communists, suspected partisans and POWs.

These death squads, with the aid of security forces formed from the local civilians and police battalions in the occupied territories, carried out mass-murder operations and killed more than1.5 million people, mostly Jews.
apple4569 | 27 de Fevereiro de 2009
a Hoody production
floriangeyer72 | 27 de Março de 2007
Testimony of SS-Scharführer Hans Friedrich about the massacre of Ostrog, Ukrainia..
armanipunk | 8 de Dezembro de 2007
A documentary made for VSU's Holocaust course. Includes background information and a skit starring Ian Volpi, Laura Kissinger, Alex Melick, and Laura Dobbins.

Directed by Ian Volpi -  Produced by Alex Abell - Narrated by Mandy Hancock  - Guest Role: Quinten Plummer - Executioner

Edited in one night because thats how we roll!
Peken73 | 28 de Junho de 2008
Waffen SS, Einsatzgruppen,MG,LSSAH, Wiking ....
voshliya | 5 de Março de 2008
Германия, Беларусь, 2003. Режиссер Джефф Канев.
За два дня 29-30 сентября 1941 расстреляли в этом овраге 33 771 чел.
Les Juifs de Kiev se rassemblèrent au lieu ordonné, s'attendant à être embarqués dans des trains. La foule était suffisamment dense pour que la majorité ignorât ce qui se passait en réalité. Lorsqu'ils entendirent les mitrailleuses, il était trop tard pour prendre la fuite. Ils furent conduits par groupes de dix à travers un corridor formé de soldats, forcés à se dévêtir sous les coups de crosse, puis exécutés au bord de la gorge de Babi Yar. Le massacre dura deux jours. Selon les rapports allemands, 33 771 Juifs ont été exécutés durant l'opération.
"Victims were then ordered to undress, beaten if they resisted, and then shot at the edge of the Babi Yar gorge. According to the Einsatzgruppen Operational Situation Report[11], 33,771 Jews from Kiev and its suburbs were systematically shot dead by machine-gun fire at Babi Yar on September 29 and September 30, 1941.

In the evening, the Germans undermined the wall of the ravine and buried the people under the thick layers of earth."

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