Discurso de Lula da Silva (excerto)


sexta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2010

Arquitectura Nazi


Ícone de canal


Plano de Albert Speer para Berlim (Germania) 


O plano de Albert Speer para a reconstrução da cidade de Berlim que se passaria a chamar Germania, futura capital do Mundo nos sonhos nazis. 

The good Nazi: the life and lies of Albert Speer -  

Dan Van der Vat, Albert Speer - 1997 - Biography & Autobiography - 406 páginas. This book tells the story of Speer's rise to power, from his appointment by Hitler in 1933 as architect of a new Berlin to his capture by the Allies in 1945.


Ícone de canal


some constructions of third reich..

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