Discurso de Lula da Silva (excerto)


sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012

Lowell Thomas and Lawrence da Arábia

Image: Flagbearer on camel in attack on Akaba; Thomas and Lawrence in front of tent; Map showing Akaba location; Show poster; Lawrence; Paris Conference
Image: Flagbearer on camel in attack on Akaba; Thomas and Lawrence in front of tent; Map showing Akaba location; Show poster; Lawrence; Paris Conference
Image: Lowell Thomas and Lawrence of Arabia: Making a Legend, Creating History
Image: During the First World War,
T.E. Lawrence, a young British captain wearing Arab robes, helps lead a hodgepodge Arab army hundreds of miles across the desert to capture the port of Akaba. Lawrence is a complex, conflicted figure who accidentally shoots his own camel in the head during the climactic battle.

Lowell Thomas, who became one of America’s most famous journalists, transforms Lawrence’s story into a multimedia show seen after the war by more than four million people. In Thomas’ romanticized telling, for example, Lawrence’s camel is shot out from under him. Thomas’ show helps create the legend of “Lawrence of Arabia.” And, elevated by his fame, Lawrence plays a major role in the conferences that help create the modern Middle East.
First Section: Lowell Thomas - The Journalist

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