Discurso de Lula da Silva (excerto)


sábado, 12 de julho de 2008

Vénus, Afrodite ou ... A Mulher ? (1)

Botticelli - O nascimento de Vênus

O Nascimento de Vênus, de Bouguereau

Picasso - Femme Couchée, 1924 (Woman reclining)

Paula Rego - Swallows the Poisoned Apple 1995

Edward Hopper - Une Femme au Soleil - 1961

Balthus - Nu avec chat (1949) Huile sur toile (114 x 146)

Schiele, «Nu à la pantoufle à carreaux», 1917

Vallotton - Femme nue couchée aux cartes bleues (1914)
Toile sur toile (97 x 131)
Félix Vallotton fut surtout apprécié pour et par son oeuvre gravée. Il n'empêche, son oeuvre peinte est très personnelle. Certains de ses portraits, comme celui-ci, dégagent une impression de mystère et de surréalisme. La froideur des couleurs est saisissante et rend le tableau impersonnel.

Ticiano - Venus at her toilet

Giorgione - Venus sleeping


Velasquez - The Rokeby Venus

Picasso - Nude Woman in a Red Armchair 1932

Femme Couchee 1926 Salvador Dali (1904-1989 Spanish)

Caricatura de Saartjie Baartman, desenhada no início do século XIX

Estatua de Venus Esquilina
Primera edad imperial
Origen: Da Roma, Esquilino - Horti Lamiani (1874)

Venus figures from Russia, the Ukraine and sites East of the Donau mouth
The Tan-Tan venus from Morocco, one of the oldest venuses
A venus from the Chinese Hongshan Neolithic Culture

PERIOD....: 1488-1576
TITLE.....: Venus de Urbino

Goya_The Naked Maja(La Maja Desnuda)

Painted 1797 / 98.ORIGINAL SIZE: 38.18" X 74.80" .
At first it was called "gypsies", matching the clothed Maja. It creates a new nudity form, later followed by other painters, specially in France. Speculations about models for this work have been very numerous: nowadays it's believed that he used several women, ones for the face and others for the body. Goya's use of light is really splendid, obtaining an intimate and tinged atmosphere.

Curiosity: The model's weight lies on her feet.


Goya_The Clothed Maja(La Maja Vestida)

Painted 1797-98.ORIGINAL SIZE: 37.52" X 74.80"It repeats the naked Maja's composition, both in structure and in the model's position. But changes are clear in colours and general atmosphere. Goya is believed to have used a different model, more stylized in this case.
Curiosity: The model's weight lies on her calves.

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